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Subscriptions are a vital source of income for the Group. Subs cover the costs of things like equipment, running costs, badges, resources and upkeep of the HQ, so it is very important they are paid on time and whether or not your son/daughter attends.


The Leaders do not benefit financially from the annual or termly subscriptions, as we are unpaid volunteers.


Along with our usual subs envelopes we are pleased to offer paying subs through Paypal.

Many units charge extra for the annual Census, paid in February, but we are including this in your normal subs. The money collected from the census subscription fee benefits Girlguiding UK/Scout Association at both local and national level. It covers necessary running costs and ensures that we meet the needs of our members at all times. It also finances:

  • the development of resources for girls/boys and adults

  • insurance for all guiding/scouting activities, including our unit meetings

  • training for our adult Leaders and other volunteers

  • the provision of a support structure for our adult Leaders.

Subscriptions 2022/2023

Autumn Term 2022


Spring & Summer 2023


Annual 2022-2023


Monthly Subscription


Find us: 

Court Road, Thurnby, Leicester, LE7 9PA

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